Besides Michael O’Laughlin, there were two another suspects in the brutal beating of Annemarie Kotowski.
The victim’s husband and boyfriend were considered suspects but subsequently removed as suspects.
This list of coincidences is based on actual statements made by the victim, the husband, friends, witnesses, and police testimony and statements made at Michael's trial (trial transcripts), and/or reported in police reports and witness interviews. Everything you read here is from the Commonwealth’s discovery.
- Is it a coincidence that the husband became, distraught, obsessed and jealous after learning the victim was a having an extra-martial affair?
- Is it a coincidence that after 26 years of marriage the victim and her husband separated six weeks before she was assaulted?
- Is it a coincidence that the victim asked her husband for a divorce the Sunday before she was assaulted?
- Is it a coincidence that the date of the crime, November 17th was the Kotowski's wedding anniversary.
- Is it a coincidence that before the victim moved to the Foxhollow complex she was worried
someone would harm her?
- Is it a coincidence that the husband was constantly bribing the victim after she moved out of their house with gifts, flowers, money and love letters?
- Is it a coincidence that the victim caught the husband stalking her at the local fitness center?
- Is it a coincidence that the husband drove through the Foxhollow complex to see exactly where the victim’s apartment was?
- Is it a coincidence that the husband told the victim that he would never give her a divorce?
- Is it a coincidence that an unidentified car, the same size and color of the husband’s car, was seen observing the victim’s apartment a week before she was assaulted?
- Is it a coincidence that the same unidentified car was never seen again after the victim was assaulted?
- Is it a coincidence that a close neighbor of the husband said she thought it was unusual that the husband switched cars after the victim was assaulted?
- Is it a coincidence that the 911 caller who heard the victim being assaulted said he definitely heard wood on wood smashing in her apartment?
- Is it a coincidence that the husband had a collection of wooden baseball bats?
- Is it a coincidence that notes and papers about the victim were out on the husband’s kitchen table the morning she was assaulted yet he refused to turn them over to the requesting police officer?
- Is it a coincidence that a life insurance bill for both the victim and her husband was in the
garbage can that morning?
- Is it a coincidence that after the husband called the victim’s phone number three times in a row that morning he still couldn’t remember her number an hour later?
- Is it a coincidence that after forgetting the victim’s phone number the husband drove to the police station to report a “medical” emergency and that he thinks something bad might have
happened to the victim (before knowing anything of the incident)?
- Is it a coincidence that the husband says he ate at a local diner that morning because he is a regular there, yet both waitresses of ten years say they don’t remember seeing him and would remember a regular customer?
- Is it a coincidence that a police chief, who is a friend of the husband, while driving to work at 6:00 AM the morning of the incident, saw the husband’s car and a light on in the husband’s
office, at the school, yet the husband denies being there?
- Is it a coincidence that the husband told two detectives at the hospital he was worried that when the victim wakes up she might think he was the one that assaulted her?
- Is it a coincidence that the two attending nurses for the victim both said the husband’s behavior toward the victim’s injuries was inappropriate?
- Is it a coincidence that the husband asked the head nurse if he could fill out a form restricting people from seeing the victim, including a specific request for her father, sister, brother and boyfriend not be allowed to see her?
- Is it a coincidence that the victim’s injuries were focused on her head and left side of her face only?
- Is it a coincidence that the husband is right handed yet he says he can’t swing a baseball bat right handed?
- Is it a coincidence that the victim’s 12” to 16” souvenir wooden baseball bat is missing (yet she kept it under her bed for protection)?
- Is it a coincidence that the husband had blood on his left forearm but denied it at the trial?
- Is it a coincidence that notes referring to a “threat to kill someone” were found in the victim’s apartment?
- Is it a coincidence that both the victim and her husband denied during trial testimony that there was any verbal abuse by the husband toward the victim during their separation, yet the victim's best friend testified the victim told her there was much verbal abuse during the separation and the victim was greatly upset by it,
- Is it a coincidence that the husband says he doesn’t know how to do laundry, yet a load of
clothes was found in his dryer that morning?
- Is it a coincidence that when the police searched the husband’s car they found two towels in the trunk saturated with bleach?
- Is it a coincidence that the two towels saturated in bleach just happened to match the set of towels missing from the victim’s bathroom in her apartment?
- Is it a coincidence that the husband received an anonymous phone call at 5:30 AM the morning the victim was assaulted?
- Is it a coincidence that $522.00 in the victim’s top bureau drawer, her pocketbook and
thousands of dollars worth of jewelry in plain sigh on top of the victim’s bureau were all
untouched and absolutely nothing was missing?
- Is it a coincidence that the husband didn’t want the victim talking to any family members, while at the hospital, in the presence of a police officer?